How effective school leaders can improve student achievement

Improving student achievement is one of the biggest challenges facing schools. Urban America has a greater challenge, because education is not always a high priority in student homes. Apart from the obstacles, school leadership must have the purpose and plan of how student achievements can be improved. This requires collaborative efforts between school leadership and teachers.

Before a successful plan can be developed, the school needs to investigate why students don’t work. The following are some reasons of school having problems improving student achievement:

1. The lack of the right instructions

2. Lack of efforts from students

3. The curriculum is not in harmony with what is on the standard test and state standard

4. Lack of test taking skills

5. Bad test atmosphere

6. The teacher is not knowledgeable in their field of study

7. poor class management

8. Lack of previous knowledge from students

9. lack of motivation from students

10. Class size is too big

The principal can use several tools to find reasons why students do not reach in their school. They must start with class observations to see if the teacher has the capacity to teach. After it’s finished, the principal can use other ways to help identify why students experience academic problems. This might include: analyzing test data over the past three years, managing reading tests to students to determine their level of reading, investigating the school curriculum and its alignment with state standards, investigating homework policies for schools to input their academic problems they experience. In addition, the administrator must ask the teacher to their opinions based on their daily facts and observations of students.

After the school determines why students don’t succeed, plans need to be done to solve this problem. Sometimes, this includes replacing teachers because of the lack of proper teaching skills, although this must be the last choice.

The following are some general strategies that can be part of the plan to improve student learning achievement, such as:

1. Develop a tutorial program for school. This can be done before and after school. The teacher and some of the smartest students in school can help with the program, and the tutorial must be requested for all students in need.

2. Schools can enter mathematics and language classes that are repaired throughout school days. Schools can ask students to take improvement classes other than their regular classes to help them pursue their level of proficiency.

3. Schools can buy software programs that help students with their deficiency. This software program can be used before school, during class, after school and at home.

4. All students must take a reading test to determine their reading level. Students who read below the class level must be given an individual development plan on how to increase their reading levels. It can also be done for mathematics.

5. The teacher all must have a template like what a good lesson. Teaching of best practice must be included with the template.

6. The teacher must enter a collaboration lesson if possible. Students must be taught how to collaborate in their class. Small group tasks must be included.

7. Reading and writing must be a big part of the plan to improve student learning achievement.

8. Schools must provide assistance with class management for teachers. Utilizing the best practices in classrooms can help.

9. Schools must have a strong homework policy for all classes.

10. Data must encourage instructions.

The main part of the strategy to improve student learning achievement and resolving some academic problems listed above must include a professional development plan throughout the school. Schools must use data to encourage professional development plans. Time must